It’s been a minute since I posted…ok, well, it’s been almost a year. In that time, I’ve encountered some crazy ups and downs that can only lead me back to blogging. When you think about blogging in your head and what would make a good blog post as part of your daily routine, I’d say it’s time to get back to pen and paper. Or in my case, keyboard and screen.

Thank you to Oh Baby Baby for the nomination!  It’s the very first time that I’ve known someone (other than my mom – Hey mom!) to read my little blog over here.  The Liebster award is an internet-based award that, while it seems like a massive chain letter, is actually an excellent way to recognize other bloggers and connect with other writer-mommies all over the world.  It’s also a great way to gain more blog followers! (Thanks to Oh Baby Baby for the image below).

Don’t forget that Bloggers have to have less than 200 followers and be sure to notify the Bloggers you have nominated!

11 Questions from Oh Baby Baby:

  1. Why did you start blogging?  I started blogging because I love writing and I love trying new things.  First I thought…How funny would it be if I actually starting doing things I see on Pinterest and post my pass/fail?  Then it turned into so much more.  I slacked off writing a bit, but I’m ready to get back at it!
  2. What is your favorite food?  My favorite food is probably ice cream.  Or macaroni and cheese.  Or wine.  Wait, maybe it’s cake?  I just love to cook and eat.  That’s a hard one.
  3. What was your first job?  My first job was a student assistant dance teacher.  It turned into a love for teaching dance that I never quite got rid of.
  4. What are you having for dinner tonight?  Tonight we are having soft tacos with amazing taco skillet sauce and roasted broccoli on the side.
  5. Pick one word to describe your blog.  My blog is…an infant!
  6. If you could go to any place in the world on a free vacation for a week, where would you go? Greece or Italy.  Somewhere in the Mediterranean/European area.
  7. Who was your favorite teacher?  I had so many great middle school teachers.  The most effective was probably my English teacher, who instilled a love for writing in me from an early age.
  8. Where do you see yourself in five years?  I hope to have a more popular blog, choreographing and recording YouTube dance videos, and maybe two more children.
  9. Who would you say has been the most influential person in your life?  My mom.  I find I’m more like her each and every day.
  10. If you had to be any animal for the rest of your life , what would you pick? I’d pick my weenie dog, Andouille, who is spoiled and has a pretty great life, if I do say so myself!
  11. What is your favorite color?  I love shades of blue; aqua is my favorite!

11 Random Facts About Me:

  1. I have a ridiculous addiction to broccoli.  I love it just about any way you can cook it, but I don’t like it raw.
  2. I’ve been teaching dance for 16 years.
  3. I love to bake cakes, but I’m not a big fan of eating cake.
  4. I met my husband at a frat party for my college.  The catch is that he didn’t go to my college and he wasn’t in that frat – he was crashing the party!
  5. I really love TV.  I don’t watch anything live though – only DVR.  I don’t even know how I have time to watch it.
  6. I can lose myself for hours in Costco.  Or Michaels.  Or Hobby Lobby.
  7. My sister in law says I’m a really slow shopper.  It’s only because I circle the store multiple times before picking up anything.
  8. I cried when I found out I was having a boy for my first child because I was convinced I was having a girl.
  9. I take really good care of my teeth.  I didn’t even have a cavity until I was 29 years old!
  10. I am a Mac person, not a PC.  I have the iPhone, the iPad, a MacBook, and I just got the Apple watch.  I don’t think I could do business without them.
  11. I’ve never broken a bone in my body…well, except a toe, but that’s not saying much for a dancer/dance teacher.

Nominees for the Liebster Award:

Sixth Bloom

Aubrey Avocado

Rickie Lee Jones Blog

The Greenish Mommy

11 Questions My Nominees Need To Answer For the Liebster Award

  1. Why did you start blogging?
  2. What is your favorite food?
  3. What was your first job?
  4. What are you having for dinner tonight?
  5. Pick one word to describe your blog.
  6. If you could go to any place in the world on a free vacation for a week, where would you go?
  7. Who was your favorite teacher?
  8. Where do you see yourself in five years?
  9. Who would you say has been the most influential person in your life?
  10. If you had to be any animal for the rest of your life , what would you pick?
  11. What is your favorite color?