The conversation with my husband went like this…

Me: Hey, I’m gonna start a blog.

B: Just don’t overwhelm yourself.

I just laughed and pressed on with this crazy blog idea of mine.  Frankly, writing down everything is an escape from all that daily stuff that creates overwhelm.  As I write my first blog post, my son has climbed onto my back 4 times, asked for snacks, and turned the television on and off.  Our mini-daschund barks at the wall in the next room.  My husband is fast asleep…oh, I guess I didn’t mention it’s 11:00pm?  But the night has only just begun. 🙂

So, as I explore and document all these hats I wear, I hope to inspire anyone that feels like they can do it all.   I can’t really do much but make a to-do list that never really gets finished, and I jump from project to project like I couldn’t possibly complete on thought.  Just kidding…not really.  But we are all here to help each other right?  After all, we are all just a bunch of people desperately trying to get this whole “parenting/spouse/employee/housekeeping/crafter/personal chef” thing right.

Come on son!  Take that penny out of your mouth and go to bed!  ..sigh…

Until next time y’all. 🙂


4 thoughts on “Overwhelmed Moms: you’re not alone!”

  1. Great start to your blog! Overwhelmed mom here too. Hope this turns into a great release for the stressful everyday challenges. It does help to talk things out with other moms who won’t judge 🙂 All the best to you!

  2. Super cute. Stopping by from TMB, congrats on taking this on… I can totally relate, I too am a new blogger and putting on yet another hat… I actually feel good about this new venture, gives me an outlet and a way to connect with other moms… Lets connect 🙂

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